Seeking Rock&Roll Speakers

Looking for speakers that can rupture my cochlea without distortion.
My Thiel 2.3 SEs excel at Jazz, Classical, and most Rock but I'm afraid to crank them to Grand Funk levels.

I think Tyler or Bryston monitors may do the trick.
These are in the $3000 - $4000 range.

My integrated puts out 150 w/p/c @ 8 ohms (double that @ 4).

Any non-horn options I've overlooked?

Showing 1 response by pops

Dweller - Thiel CS6. I have used Thiel 3.6 for 15+ years, have owned and listened to other speakers and could never get the Thiel sound out of my system. I just put CS6's in my system and they have exceeded my expectations.

There is a pair up for auction and also another pair from a Thiel enthusiast downsizing, consider them....I have no affiliation just a longtime and permanent Thiel lover.