Seeking Legit Cartridge Expert?

Anyone out there have a reputable guy who knows the nuances of carts in the $2000+ range? So many opinions.....

current set up 

VPI Super Prime Scot / 10.5 arm

Hana ML

Harbeth 40.3XD 

What's going to drastically improve my sound / detail....mostly listen to Hard Rock, Zeppelin etc....




Showing 2 responses by lewm

A unipivot bearing is physically quite different from a gimbal bearing. That’s plain to see. Whether one can hear a difference between two otherwise identical tonearms that is purely due to the type of bearing is up to the listener. I’m surprised if HW really can’t hear the difference. I think he has to say that to keep the peace.

And here I thought the OP wanted to contact a person with expertise on phono cartridges, specifically in the $2K price range. I’d advise reviewing the dozens of threads that speak to the question, and then take the leap based on what opinions seem most cogent. In the end, there is no other expert on your ears and your system but you.