Seeking help finding the weak link(s) in my system and offering suggestions please.

Hi! I recently paid a visit to a local audio salon and listened to a system that was so good I was "moved". However, I could never afford the price of entry to realize this kind of sound reproduction. I have spent the last couple of years assembling a system I could afford, focusing on components I felt were the best bang for the buck. I'm not trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, however with your help I am hoping to find where I may have a weak link or two. My budget makes this a challenge as I have only about 1K to invest. Thank you to all those in advance for your suggestions, my system is listed below. One more item, about 90% of my listening is Qobuz streaming.

Dedicated/Isolated 20Amp AC source with PS Audio outlet.
Furman AC power conditioning.
Nordost Magus Power cords for source equipment and Kimber PK10 for Amp.
Ethernet cables all CAT7.
Kimber Silver Streak both balanced and SE throughout.
Speaker cables are Blue-Jeans 10AWG White - two 15' pair.
USB cable from PC to streamer is Audio Adviser Pangea SE 2 meter.
Canare/Have digital 1.5M coax from transport to Streamer.
Krell Vanguard Integrated Amp.
Cambridge Audio AZURE 851N Streamer/DAC.
Sonus Faber Electa monitors.
Sunfire HRS series subwoofer.
Sony SCD2000ES Transport/SACD player.
Luxman T117 Tuner (Best sounding component)?

Again, I appreciate your kind assistance, I am really looking forward to responses!



Showing 11 responses by grm

Hello to all,

The demo system I listened to was top-of-the-line McIntosh and B&W speakers all wired up with AQ IC's and Speaker cables. In terms of what I heard that moved me, it was like the artists were right there in the same room with me, each in their respective places with absolutely no veil over the sound as I have this problem in my system. The SQ out of the demo system raised the hairs on the back of my neck, I have never heard sound produced like this before, it actually touched me at an emotional level.
All of the above suggestions are excellent - thank you! I do think I set my budget to low on the speaker cables, problem is the good ones are quite expensive. DSP room correction I have heard does some amazing things to your system, but I have no idea who makes such devices, can anyone help with this? As far as Synergistic Research goes, I'll check into it. Thanks again everybody. Please keep this going! 
I'm very interested in learning more about DSP Room Correction. Does anyone have experience with this and where do you start?

Thanks auxinput1 for the candid feedback. I need (for my budget) to make the Krell and Sonus Faber's to work. I really like the Krell's ability to maintain a vise-grip lock on my speakers and go to near live volume levels without breaking a sweat - very powerful. The Sonus Fabers are not only beautiful pieces of craftsmanship but I also feel they match well with the Krell. Lastly, I agree the Blue-Jeans cables may be a limiting factor, on paper and as measured, they seem good, but measurements do not necessarily equate to good sound. The problem I am having is for my set-up I require two 15' runs of cable, and the top shelf hooch for cables of this length are stratospheric in terms of cost unless someone knows of a sub 1K cable that would fit the bill. 

Thank you! 
Hello, millercarbon1. I am embarrassed to say I have no idea what HFT, HFTX, ECT is? I think I got the PHT as being fuse upgrades, yes?

Thank you! 
Dear Almarg9, thank you for taking the time to research my components - most appreciated! Interesting observation and one that is completely true. Yes, most of my listening is through the Cambridge via Balanced connection to the Krell, where a to achieve a near Live sound volume, the Krell is at approximately 25% output level, (based on the volume setting), where the Luxman Tuner being single ended, the output volume setting needs to be set higher for similar output. The Krell has a "Trim" setting where you can somehow adjust each input, both Balanced and SE, to produce the same output regardless of input, I have never used this feature but will look into adjusting the Balanced signal to match. I will also try the SE outputs of the Cambridge and note the difference. SNAPSC, The Sony is connected directly via Digital Coax to my Cambridge Streamer/Dac and makes for a great transport as it holds 5 disks. The only exception is when I listen to the rare SACD, then I use it's line level outputs. What DAC's might you suggest that you know will outperform the Cambridge?

I thank you both for your kind assistance!
Thank you for the link to DSP solutions almarg9. One of their products, for $900 might fit the bill. I am leaning in this direction because I have learned that DRC can do some amazing things with respect to audio reproduction, such as "will make your speakers disappear". Plus, if it does not meet my expectations I can recoup my $ and return the processor. 

I appreciate everyone's contribution, and I agree speaker cables may be one of the weak links in my system, if only there was a no risk solution to trying custom 15' lengths of different cables. I thought I remember reading in these forums that there was a company that could provide this service??
Hello to all,
I printed this thread and shared it with my local dealer who did not dismiss any of the suggestions. He felt my system was lacking symmetry, meaning  my next step would be a good set of speaker cables. I have looked at a couple in my price range, Audioquest Rocket 44's and Kimber 8TC. My system is already populated with Kimber IC's and I like them. My question now is, do I go with Kimber or Audioquest? I have only one shot to get this right as custom 15' cables usually can't be returned, so, which cable would you choose? Maybe something completely different?

PS. To achieve that level of SQ that moved me, everything included, would cost me about 50K! Hah, I don't think so... 

Thanks again everybody! 
I agree with you, as my current single run of cable to each speaker is via Blue-Jeans cable, which happens to have a fourth of the capacitance of the Kimber cable. In fact, the Blue-Jeans cable looks very good in terms of specification and I thought sounds just fine, no snake oil?? However, many contributors on this thread think my speaker cables to be an area of opportunity having in one case personal experience with my cable and finding it to be lacking. I somehow doubt AQ will provide me with a spec sheet on a particular cable, I think they hold their cards close to their chest. The question, a little modified, is who makes a great sounding cable that is not afraid to publish their specs and truly provide an outstanding sounding cable for 1K or a lot less. I am one to not equate SQ to $ spent, I think that correlation to be loose and think there to be over-performers out there, I just do not know who they are. 
Dear andera and others,

At this point I am really confused, not sure what direction to take. I appreciate all of the good suggestions people have posted here. There are a number of suggestions that are consistent such as speaker cables, room treatment/optimization, DSP, etc.. Still trying to distill all of the feedback. Considering my budget, (1K) I'm going to dig into room optimization and speaker set-up, a common theme here that will cost me only time and effort. After that, not sure, maybe speaker cables and/or DSP. I'm going to try to find as many resources as I can regarding getting the most out of your system through proper set-up.

A big thank you to everybody!
Hello andera,

I followed your instructions regarding speaker placement. I felt my room acoustics to be decent but far from what my local dealer implemented, which I am convinced would make a significant improvement, however not practical for me.

With respect to speaker placement, it was a bit frustrating and took me hours to accomplish, however the results were worth it! The appearance of my system in the room looks a little odd now to the casual observer, but when you sit in my designated chair the speakers now vanish with a much deeper and wider sound stage. I was surprised how much an improvement was made through this effort, it sounds like I made a major upgrade to something?? Very happy now! At some point in the future my next tweak will be speaker cables, there are some great ones out there within my budget.

Thanks again for all of the help!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your system set-up.

As for now, I am quite content with my system after proper st-up of the speakers and dabbling a bit with my room acoustics, this made a transformation to my system I did not think possible. At some point, maybe, I may more closely examine my system components with respect to synergy. DSP is something on my radar as well as improving my speaker cables.

Were it not for this forum, I would have missed out on a significant improvement in my systems capability and it didn't cost me a dime!

Thanks to everyone who contributed! Please enjoy your Holiday and all that goes with it.
