Seeking help finding the weak link(s) in my system and offering suggestions please.

Hi! I recently paid a visit to a local audio salon and listened to a system that was so good I was "moved". However, I could never afford the price of entry to realize this kind of sound reproduction. I have spent the last couple of years assembling a system I could afford, focusing on components I felt were the best bang for the buck. I'm not trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, however with your help I am hoping to find where I may have a weak link or two. My budget makes this a challenge as I have only about 1K to invest. Thank you to all those in advance for your suggestions, my system is listed below. One more item, about 90% of my listening is Qobuz streaming.

Dedicated/Isolated 20Amp AC source with PS Audio outlet.
Furman AC power conditioning.
Nordost Magus Power cords for source equipment and Kimber PK10 for Amp.
Ethernet cables all CAT7.
Kimber Silver Streak both balanced and SE throughout.
Speaker cables are Blue-Jeans 10AWG White - two 15' pair.
USB cable from PC to streamer is Audio Adviser Pangea SE 2 meter.
Canare/Have digital 1.5M coax from transport to Streamer.
Krell Vanguard Integrated Amp.
Cambridge Audio AZURE 851N Streamer/DAC.
Sonus Faber Electa monitors.
Sunfire HRS series subwoofer.
Sony SCD2000ES Transport/SACD player.
Luxman T117 Tuner (Best sounding component)?

Again, I appreciate your kind assistance, I am really looking forward to responses!



Showing 3 responses by andera

I was thinking also the speaker cable. In the used market you should be able to find a $2k set for $1k, or $1,500 set for $800... as examples. I am very happy with my Harmonic Technology 6N single crystal copper, PRO-9 speaker cables. Purchased used... saved big $$.
I would leave enough room in the budget for an inexpensive tweak like the Synergistic fuse. I used the blue fuse in my CDP outboard power supply and couldn't believe the results for under $200. Another even less expensive increase for me was to pull the lid from my CDP... and add dampening material... very easy and only around $25. The results were similar to the fuse upgrade. Good luck, and enjoy the journey : )
Hey GRM... lots of great suggestions here. I'm curious if you have a clear direction to pursue. Curious to know what changes you make... the results... and if the results are enough that you are content.My System sounded incredible... but I could always sense something was not quite right. It took better power cords $1,000 each replacing $400 cords, and interconnects. After that it was speaker position, room tuning, and tweaks. I figure that if a person does everything possible to make the system sound good but you are not happy... THEN start swapping out components.
You're most welcome.That's fantastic... good to hear. Yes... it's not that fun to do... but after a person goes through the process, and can understand and hear proper placement... you can listen to any system and tell if the speakers are set up properly. It's pretty easy to tell.... as the sound will be smeared, undefined, and not very exciting.I find that with proper placement, a person can really hear and define the difference with any changes in the system... such as gear, cables, stands, room treatment, or tweeks.After making an improvement... the best part is listening to all your favorite music again... and hear how much better it sounds!Happy listening.