Seeking amp recommendations

Greetings All:
I'm new to this list so I hope I'm following protocol.
Here's my situ: I bought a new Rotel RB-1080 last year (regrettably before I knew about Audiogon) and I'm unsure about its synergy with the rest of my very mid-fi system. I have an Arcam Alpha 7SE, Parasound PLD-1100, Velodyne ULD-12 sub, Signal Cable interconnects and power cables, Transparent speaker cables. My speakers are high quality (built by a legit EE) custom made--a 2 way, D'Appolito design?... they sound similar to early Totems, but not quite as good. I'm wondering if I may have more power than I really need for my current speakers. The Rotel replaced my old Dyna 416 and I didn't really do my homework on researching other amplifiers. Is there a more "musical" amp with a more modest power output (say, around 1/2 of the Rotel's that I should explore?
Thanks in advance for any recommendations.
JRD351 is right: you can't really have too much power (Of course, I would say that, as I use 350 wpc with 98 dB speakers!). And for the money, Rotel makes a very good product. I think you should spend your money on discs to play. Give it a year, then think about upgrading, but not before.


rotel is an excellent fact your system is very well thought out, although i would know about the speakers. there is no problem with having more power than you need. it only makes your music more dynamic with a low noise any case tubes will definately change the sound,but not necc make anything better.
Speaker sesnitivity?

Try Audio Research's new tube amp for constrained budgets (suggested price still about US$ 4000) VS110 (good match w. the Totems I hear), Musical Fidelity A3.2 CR (under US$1795.