SEEKING ADVICE: Which component would you upgrade first?

This is my first post, so take it easy on me!

I have a modest analog system and would like to get recommendations on which component you would upgrade first for the biggest impact. Please use the existing components as a gauge for my budget (+/- a few hundo).

About me: I'm music lover. I'm a musician and recording engineer. I have a decent collection of old and new records, CDs, and tapes, which I listen to regularly. I appreciate good sounding recordings and have the experience to identify good and bad, but I'm not interested in mortgaging my home to upgrade my system.



Receiver: Pioneer SX-680

Turntable: Pioneer PL-112D

Speakers: Yamaha NS-1 and Pioneer HPM-100


Showing 4 responses by noromance

What I love about the SpinClean is that I can give a record a quick clean if it has picked up a little dust. I do not use dry brushes. The SC detergent apparently grass the dirt out of the distilled water, thereby keeping it cleaner and necessitating less frequent changes. Note, all my records have either been SpinCleaned or been thru the US already. I bought additional (better, more absorbent) lint-free cloths which really speeds things up.

@benanders I get fine results using a SpinClean with distilled water and supplied detergent. (I also use an ultrasonic unit for first cleaning, with the SpinClean for final rinse.)

If the cartridge is original, maybe something like the Audio Technica AT95e at $60.

I assume you are not running 2 pairs of speakers at the same time. Ensure the one pair you are using (NS-1) are on stands and out from the wall.

Ultimately, the receiver is best changed out for an integrated amp. Receivers generally sound crap.