Second hand components that can still kick butt today

Not being a believer that time necessarily = progress, I would like to offer the following examples of sonic gems that have transcended time and can totally kick butt in a modern milieu:
1. Marantz CD5000 al la CD48, Philips Cd753, CDS751: what do these players all have in common:?    the miraculous TDA1549 chip. As Lucas Ficas alias ’Lampizator‘ has described this chip is a killer and  probably the best Philips has produced. If you take the output straight from the chip via high quality output caps the sound quality is right up there with megabuck players.
2. The Robertson 4010. I got one of these about two years ago because it was in immaculate condition, the price was so low and I was inquisitive. I hooked it up and let it warm up for a couple of days. OMG this thing was in the super amp league: Transparency to die for, slam that you couldn‘t‘ believe for for a 50W amp.. Peter Moncrieffe wasn‘t wrong in his review of this amp: this thing is in the Sterreophile Class A component category hands down. Even after all these years.
What components have you encountered that have defied time and can still kick butt today?

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Almost anything in Kenwood's "L" series of gear. This line was their late 70's through the 80's, assault on the US and the European high end market. And they were largely successful, at somewhat reasonable prices. 

The L-07m 150 watt mono amps (original or MK II) are amazing! I have 2 pair, of which 1 pair are my current amps.

And the L-01000 mono amps, while not the best looking, were (and still are) amazing amps.

And the one piece of gear in the line, that remains very sought after, and still gets outrageous prices, is the L07D turntable.