Second audio system in your house?

Hi, just curious how many of you have a second audio system in your house, and, actually use it? I've recently bought some new components and had planned on selling my old amp, but I'm still attached to it, and with a small investment, say $1000, I could get some bookshelf speakers and a CD player. On the fence about the whole idea. There's a whole lot of other things to do with $1000 mind you, so I'm not sure if it's the most sensible thing to get into. I won't even ask the wife what her opinion is, as I already know it.

Showing 1 response by drcjj

Ok, I am timid in admitting it, I am a bit of a collector… been addicted to electronic gear since sometime around my 7th birthday… much unused gear around my house not even mentioned here… Pro audio gear etc…. an artifact of being a musician in the A/V business for many years, at least that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it… I lost count years ago… I get attached…

Most actively used… I have a great family room system based on some Sonus Faber Olymica II’s with a Musical Fidelity A5 Integrated and A5 CD in rotation with an Audio Research LS17Se driving a Bryston 3B and other misc. amp options along with an M&K Sub… Nak ZX-9 cassette etc, may put a turntable on that one...

Then there is an Adcom system driving some ancient JBL towers in my music room (as in musical instruments room)…

A much used mini Tiivoli system with my bedroom TV, another system with older Sony receiver and CD changer, Nakamichi cassette driving some Canton mini speakers in my lab/workshop..

A Sony A/V Receiver, Mirage speakers and Velodyne Sub with a big screen theater in the lower level… least used of them all… silly to have so much gear when I actually think about it…

Yes, I still enjoy working on an old piece of gear on occasion to get it up and running or sounding better by doing a few mods, cleaning etc…

Love the music, a bit burnt out on the the gear chase… I Like reading what others are doing here reminds me of the culture around Audio… Great people!