Schumann Resonator

I got 2 of these from Amazon...careful that free returns are applicable.  I charged them up, turned them on and holy moly.....they do help with my system.   What I hear is between instruments, a definite difference in upright and electric bass, wider know...all the good stuff. At first I thought it might be increased brightness, but is still the same in that regard.  I still can't believe it, and will listen again tomorrow (saved the packaging for the return)...but today, I'm about to keep them.

Showing 4 responses by quincy

Well, Okay, I ordered two today. 
Spent a few bucks more for a better quality built unit.  I'll give subjective feed back in a few weeks when the honeymoon is over....
See below......
Fellow Audiophiles,

I received my two Schumann Resonators yesterday the 11th of March.
Plugged them in to charge the Lithium Ion batteries ~ one hour.
Green light came on to indicate full charge.
Went to bed as normal.  Put one under the bed near the wife.
I slept no better or worse.
The wife stated she could 'feel' some type of vibrations thru the mattress. She got up and moved the device closer to the foot of the bed.  She states she slept no better or worse. I did not feel or sense any type of vibrations.
(I am male, 65 years old, retired, hearing is poor on high frequency; other than that health is good.) Tonight I am placing the one unit in the bedroom on a chest of drawers in one corner ~ 5' high, directing into the center of the room.

This morning I placed one unit in the' on position' in the listening room/sun room (rear wall is all double pane glass floor to ceiling - ceiling is cathedral style - room open to living/eating/kitchen area) ~ 24" behind the speakers at ~ 7 foot height.  Placed on a window sill, centered between both speakers.  I'm going to let it run one day before I start any type of music experiment.  Right now I don't feel any more calm or relaxed than usual.....

BTW....any recommendations in regards to specific music to play (repeating the on/off testing method) would be appreciated.

I realize this is not a perfect and pure scientific blind test, but it is the best that I wish to muster up. 

To Be Continued......I will post again in a few days with further test analysis.  Any recommendations, feel free to add suggestions, but be aware I only have two units and I am not willing to purchase additional ones.
Okay, here we go......

I left the Schumann Generator on for three days in the sun / stereo room.  As before ~ 7 feet on a window sill, behind the speakers.
I enlisted the wife (who is open minded, but has not voiced an opinion) to help.  Music:  James Taylor and Nora Jones.  I chose these because of the high quality of the recordings, and virgin vinyl 200 gram records.  Also because the music uses only a few high quality played instruments and is low key.  (I believe I have a very nice stereo system, the only addition in the last year being 2 SVS sub woofers, un-ported, with isolation feet.)
Had the wife place the SG on the window sill not knowing if on or off.
Listened to side one of James T.  Then again side one of James T.
I could tell a difference, when it was on/off. But, the only difference was a wider, deeper, sound stage.  The actual music did not sound better to my (old) ears.  Same thing with Nora, better sound stage but not quality of the instruments or voice.  Sample size of two.  Accurate on both tries.  So I had a 50/50 chance of guessing correctly.  Not a large enough statistical sample size for serious discussions.  BTW, no booze or other substances used during the listening sessions. 

Something interesting to add.  Our cat Mina, on occasion, likes to listen to the stereo.  She decided to jump up on the love seat where I was located and took a seat right next to me.  She has never done that in the years we have had her. (she usually sits on the floor in the sweet spot)  We have been using the other SG unit in the bedroom every night, under the mattress.  No better quality or sounder sleep by either person reported.  The cat did not go under the bed to check out the SG to our knowledge.
(She actually sleeps between our heads every night)

Then another anomaly:  Friday night we watched a new episode of Ancient Aliens.  The show focused on how sound and low frequencies, btw 4-7 Hz, effect the brain waves in humans.  Then they showed some 4-6K year old stone carvings found in various places.  In several carvings was shown the Schumann Generator Coil, a spiral circle created by a single line.  My 2 units have the Coil exposed under a clear plastic plate.  It was the same coil as shown on the stone carvings.  Eerie.  I don't know what to make of that visual observation. 

I have a audiophile friend coming for a visit near the end of the month.  His hearing is significantly better than mine.  I will re-run the same test and report back the be continued.