Schiit vs. Mytek vs. Chord - looking for some thoughts

Looking for some thoughts on the following DACs:
1. Schiit Bifrost 2 Multibit
2. Chord Qutest
3. Mytek Brooklyn DAC+
I’m mainly interested in RedBook and DSD hi-res playback. I’m not looking for sacrifices in redbook in favor of hi-res. 
Has anyone compared any combination of these side by side? What are the sonic characteristics of each and compared to others? What DAC would you choose and why?
Thanks in advance!


Showing 1 response by dseltz

I can tell you what I like and what I run it through. If you are interested in an analogue sound, the Exogal Comet gives my system a GREAT sound (admitted I like analogue > digital sound).  BTW, I had a Chord Qutest prior to the Comet

Innuos Zen Mini to Exogal to Audion KT120 (tube) to Rethm Saadhana. Mostly Qobuz and my CD uploaded into Innuos.

If you are in the Nashville area (or even if not), Constantin at Atelier 13 audio has a program where he will send you a demo Comet to try in your system. You only pay shipping (unless you buy a new one) then I think he deducts from price. And he is an awesome dealer, has never tried to up sell me and always available for questions, etc