Schiit not shipping

Anybody else only receiving lip service instead of customer service from Schiit Audio? In March I ordered three products and today May 28th they say they have no idea when any might ship, saying the Freya production is stopped. Back order dates have come and gone without any explanation or contact. 
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Showing 8 responses by wolf_garcia

This entire issue is my fault because I've been saying nice things about my Freya (which I think I waited maybe a month for when they were in backorder limbo last November). I still think it's a cool, great sounding preamp, and mine didn't have a noise issue (!), but I will retract my endorsement nonetheless until the shipping settles down: Don't buy a Freya, it's bad bad bad. There ya go, now everything should be fine.
That's it...the beer commercial fans are over-ordering Freyas! I nearly bought a Saga but I like the 3 way "tube-non tube switching" (the Saga has that also...just one less stage), balanced ins and outs, and, of course, the sound of the Freya...and I do actually need the gain of the tube section to drive my little SEP amp. I have recommended Sagas to friends looking for a preamp bargain with no complaints as it's also brilliant. I have only experienced 2 Schiit items in my rig, the Freya and Loki, and if they're any measure of what Schiit is generally all about, it's working out fine regardless of the silly name and alleged "measurement" issues. Thousands of beer commercial fans can't be wrong!
Another solution to Schiit's shipping issues is to raise the price of the Freya by maybe a thousand bucks or so. Problem solved.
Nothing messes with a product like extreme and perhaps unexpected success...ouch.
Interesting that many of the alleged "drug addled" posters around here have maintained some basic punctuation skills as well as the application of rational and (sometimes) logical thought to their posts. Clearthink might be well intentioned, but comes off as a tragic extra from Breaking Bad.
I'm sure Schiit isn't happy with delays in shipping as it's likely that many have cancelled orders, and getting a bad reputation for service is something no manufacturer wants. In any case, although mine was delayed by a couple of weeks back in November, I still have no idea how they make a $700 tube preamp in the USA that actually sounds fabulous...I assume they're simply less greedy and that approach has (mostly...shipping issues make people angry) worked for them maybe too well.
My Freya, albeit with non stock Sylvania 6SN7GTBs, projects a perfectly balanced soundstage with depth and air unless the recording has none, in which case it produces that also.
Just a note about Schiit service...I had an issue with an Aegir that turned itself off too easily, and they sent me another one immediately with excellent communication and no return shipping fee for the rejected amp, no fees for the new one. Sadly I did return the second one as it's sound wasn't what I prefer, but that's just me. Great company though.