Schiit Freya S or Freya +?


What are the sound characteristics of the Freya preamps? Is there a big difference in sound between the Solid state Freya S and the Tube Freya +.
How is bass on both?
My system consists of Aerial 10T speakers with Bel Canto Ref 1000 mono-blocs. Source component is an Oppo 105D player.

Showing 4 responses by last_lemming

I purchased the Freya S, it will be arriving this Monday. It will be replacing my old Acurus LS11.  The amp is a ARC Classic 60, that’s why I didn’t get the + version. I’ve had good success mixing Tube and SS, in this case a Tube amp with a solid state pre.

I hope my expectations are met.

got my Freya S tonight and have it up and running. Very nice for just a few hours on it.
In your experience how long is break in, and what should I expect to change during that time?
Thanks Scott. I have my tuner running through it right now but the amp is off (it tubed). 
I’m hoping this will accelerate any break in. 
Listening tonite, maybe 28 hrs on the unit. I’ve noticed it’s very clear and smooth, with a nice soundstage, but mid bass seems a bit less pronounced than my old Acurus. Not sure that will change much, I doubt it, so I may need to move the speakers closer to the wall.  Though I might loose a bit of depth by doing that. Might give it a few more days of break in.