Schiit freya preamp - any owners out there? Leave it on?

Evaluating schiit freya preamp and it seems like a good preamp.

is simply leaving it on all the time make sense as switch is in back and that is not the greatest. Mode can be changed to passive which reduces current flow to tubes so electricity use is less.

is this preamp worth buying when ht is used most of the time? Thanks

Showing 2 responses by woodhart

I own the Freya+ and asked Schiit this question. They said that even in passive the tubes were still getting power and you should turn it off if you are not using it. 
This was my question to them:

Is there any benefit (or harm) to keeping the Freya + powered up all the time (obviously with tubes turned off when not in use)? I’ve heard various people offer opinions about this and I wanted to see if there was an official stance on this.

And their answer:

If the Freya + is on, the tubes will still have current going through them, and the tube life will still be diminished faster. It is OK to leave it on all the time, but we suggest turning it off for the life of the tubes.

I agree that it’s a great sounding preamp, especially when you roll the tubes.