Scams abound

Hello all,

I was just wondering if anyone else has seen the recent seemingly scam ads posted lately. There have been many recent for sale ads that seem to be too good to be true. Thankfully, it seems the fact checkers here suspend these ads pretty quick. They seem to be targeting mostly McIntosh and mark levinson products. These ads are posted by users who seem to have just joined Audiogon and have zero feedback. Just curious if others have noticed these ads.

Happy listening!


Showing 1 response by minorl

Come on @ebm seriously??

What if that person was recently widowed and her husband was the audiophile?  What is that person lived within driving distance of you, would show you not only the product, but actually let you listen to it and would show you proof of ownership?

I understand being careful.  one must really.  But extreme paranoia?  there are always examples of good people that are just trying to sell their stuff.

But, you are correct.  high priced equipment over long distances, would be difficult without verifying conversations with the seller.  
