Scam dealer on Ebay?

I’ve been noticing an Ebay dealer by the handle "skillful_sailor_japan" selling some good kit at exorbitant prices. Sponsored listings so they come up in your searches. Be careful out there especially if you’re not used to buying online/ebay. An example is a Jelco 250 (retails for $350) for $2000.


Showing 6 responses by noromance

They are selling at such hyper inflated prices that it's comical. Yes, they can sell at whatever they want. It's called price gouging. My warning is to those who may fall victim to their extravagant pricing and hyperbolic descriptions.

Amazed that everyone is defending this guy with the caveat that if you're a "moran", you get scammed. 

No. I did not get scammed. Okay. Done with this. No hard feelings. It just pisses me off when I see this sort of thing. Point taken.


I just wonder if OP has been mistreated in some way by that seller. Well, he apparently has already because this thread is against his business. Has he earned it for any reason I just wonder...

I’ve already stated that I have not dealt with this person. Nor have I ever been ripped off... except that one time in Paris... Nor have I any ax to grind other than to alert unwary folks to this seller.
Some of the respondents get it but others appear to support a caveat emptor free market philosophy. Each to his/her own.