Scaling down

Have you ever thought about scaling down to a smaller system, only to realize after auditioning some smaller music makers you wouldn't be happy for long?

Showing 3 responses by tmsorosk

I guess I should have given more of an explanation. I do have three systems if you include the garage one, but the main system in the living room takes up allot of space and we do a fair bit of entertaining. So a more unobtrusive system would better. Moving the turntable, records cleaning machine, etc, etc to the lake spot helped quite a bit but there is still a ton of stuff, 1400 pounds actually.
Good point , Courant,. As much as I would like to make things smaller and simpler, I don't want an inferior sounding system.
A friends system interests me, it's a Meridian system, a one box hard drive and two speakers, thats it, and unreal sound, very clean and clear, it's impressed everyone thats heard it.
In comparison when you look at all my riggins it's almost a joke.
I guess " scaling down " leaves a big gap for interpretation. My hopes were for a less imposing and less cluttered system. Cost is of little concern to me at this point in life. Don't take that the wrong way as I still insist on the best gear for the dollar.