SAT Comparison

MF has kindly provided unidentified needledrops of 2 new versions of the SAT arm (incl one priced at $48K).
These can be found in the latest entries on his Analog Planet web page.

Listening to the first few seconds of each track on iPad speakers I found the “winner” (for me at least...) to be “1” followed by “3” then “2” with “4” the least preferred.

Just for fun, I invited my wife, who has no audio experience or interest whatsoever, who knew nothing about the files or the hardware or anyone else’s preferences, named her order of preference as 1-3-2-4, again listening to only the first few seconds of each file. Unlike myself she didn’t need 1-3/2-3 double checks she just identified them straight off. Impressive!

I wouldn’t be so rash as to assume that “1” was the most expensive “SAT” or that “2” was the original model.
(For the sake of the expensive model I would hope so! ;)
See what you think...

It’ll be interesting to know what the wildcard “4” turns out to be...


Showing 1 response by raymonda

I posted my thoughts a few days ago but somehow it was weeded out. I’ll summarize it here.

1 through 3 have very small difference. I prefer 1 but frankly I could change the loading of the cartridge and that could change.

I would have preferred a track that we are all familiar with so we could compare our systems with this state of the art system.

With th over a $100,000 invested in that front end that is a lot of cash for micro differences and makes me feel real good about what I have obtained for far, far less.

This proves that we have entered an new era where, "the very good is now the enemy of the best"!