sansui au 717 integrate amp

I have a sansui au 717 integrated amp that needs repair. My repair shop told me it would cost about $350.00 for repair. New caps and labor. This is from the 70s era. Is it worth it to restore for music listening or should I let it rest in peace ? I am not a super critical listner. Just enjoy listening to music .
If they are doing a "full" rebuild, this is fair. Sansui's are reguarded as excellent integrateds even today! I just had my 919 serviced, and couldn't be happier :)
Mine sounds about as good as any mass market hi-fi gear ever did or does. The question in my mind is whether you can pick another one up for the same money that is in good condition. I guess most should really get an overhaul anyway, I never had mine done as it sounds just fine.
What does a full rebuild consist of ? I would like to go to my shop with a little more knowledge , and be able to ask the right questions .Along with that look for the right answers. All my research tells me its a good amp and maybe one of sansuais best builds. I liked the sound when it was workng and seemed much stronger than 85 watts per spec. Built like a tank.
There's someone in Montana who advertises on eBay that does restorations of older Sansui amps. The service is $350. I have never used him and I can't vouch for his quality or timeliness, but it does give you a point of comparison.
Ezekiel here on audiogon rebuilt my AU D11. An excellent job. I use it with EPI 100 speakers.