Sanders 10c/d + Magtech + tube preamp

Hi everyone,
I am considering to buy a full system from Roger, but I thought about using a tube preamp instead of sanders' preamp. Anyone has an experience with a combination of the 10c/d speakers + Magtech with tube preamp? Do you have any recommendations?
Lmomo, I can't say that I can answer your question, but I have been wondering the same thing. I heard the Sanders setup at RMAF this year and thought it sounded amazing. It was the only room that caused me to seriously think about upgrading any of the primary components that I have now. And in that thought process, I couldn't help but wonder how my Allnic L-3000 preamp would sound in that system.

Enjoy your 30 day trial and please post your thoughts as I am on the edge of my seat for your reactions.
Lmomo, I am not a dealer but I am in New York. I am on Long Island. You are welcomed to come visit for an audition if you wish.
Hi again...
It was long time ago but I'm slow, and saving money takes time. So, first I want to thank all of you for your responses, and for you Cerrot for the invitation. Actually I had an opportunity to hear the system at NJ, an excellent experience. 
I purchased the 10e system. The setup is not completed yet, but I bought a full system from Roger. 
Thanks, lmomo
Congratulations! I heard the Sanders system at last years T.H.E. Show, and for the first time in years was filled with lust for a new speaker. They are really, really good.
Thanks, this model is a new one and includes a new crossover: DBX Venu 360, with an option for room correction.