Samsung buys Harman for $8B

Wow! Seems they were after Harman's auto business which is 65% of what Harman does. Will Samsung leave Harman's high end brands alone or does that spell ruination of Mark Levinson, Revel, JBL, Lexicon, et al? 

Is this the largest high end acquisition? 

Showing 1 response by willland

" What sucks is their overall ineptitude where customer service is concerned, as evidenced by numerous factors including, but not limited to, egregious instances of "confirmation" emails with fictitious "reference" numbers. They use many "lets have the customer jump through hoopes" techniques and "pass-the-buck to another department". They cannot even follow simple instructions to call as opposed to email, despite their providing the ability for a customer to state their preference. Essentially they intentionally and unnecessarily delay servicing, which is certainly unbecoming of a billion dollar organization. Then, when/if someone finally comes on the phone, its not clear (to me anyway) what language the person is speaking, or country they are located in; if you know what I mean."

So far this is my experience with my 2012 Plasma TV that had a main board fail.  Excellent TV until it decided not to completely power up one day.  I may amend this post if they come through with a partial(depreciated) refund after "reviewing" my case for close to 2 weeks.
