Sam here and l just made a new discovry.

O.k this indirectly relates to music as i'm using frequencies.Using my multimeter on the hertz setting i discovered that canned food no matter what it is always measures at 0 hz and 0 hz means the food is dead and when i test fresh organic produce it measures between 20 and 25 hz and is alive, so i used my tone generator set at 20 hz using a clip running from the tone generator and clipped onto the metal lip of the canned good for 1 minute and take a second reading with the multimeter and now the food measures at 20 hz the same as the fresh organic produce even though the food has been sitting in a can for a year.This may be nothing however it may be something.

Showing 3 responses by asvjerry

carpathian, it Is fascinating to see what approach The K has for the next installment, 'tis true.

Whatever the 'theme', we're always couched as either wrong, deluded, in need of being educated in some fashion beyond our ken....jit.....😏

One would think....or, at least, Hope....that Someone here, with systems spanning from the simple to the Sublime, would/could extract the hint of a nod of appreciation....even a mote of acceptance.


I keep 'tuning in', if only to watch the floor show.  The actors tend to be the same, but the script has it's subtle variations to look for.... ;)

I'm reminded of those 2 'black holes' that were recently observed to merge....

The scientists' held their breath...and seemed to be disappointed to the outcome....*L*

Just shows' to go ya..🤪
Remembering F. Zappas’ exhortation to ’call any vegetable, and that veg. will respond to you....’ @tablejockey pointed out, certain mushrooms will Definitely do so. Your reply beyond that point....*shrug*....well, your results may vary. ;)

Personal pref is some combustable sens of decent or better ’quality’. *G*
Enhances my ’audio experience’ better than my eqs’ seem to....

"Old freaks don’t really die....they just vague away...."

’Pigeon Park’; Congress of Wonders....

"That pigeon must be 18 feet tall..... *whew*...

I’m never going to get out of this park...."
