Salk Speakers - Opinions & Advice?

This past weekend I went to Karma Fest in Livonia, Michigan, and saw so many beautiful speakers in the Salk Signature Sound, I didn't know where to start. Since I live quite close to the company, I'll head up there for a private audition. However, after going through the A'gon threads addressing Salk speakers, I still don't have a real idea as to what they sound like - how they make music.

So, for those of you who know (and hopefully own), Salk speakers, what is the "signature sound" of these beauties? I know what to pretty much expect from a Harbeth, Spendor, Thiel, etc. but what might I expect from Salk?

The impression I got from some threads is that Salks are on the detailed, transient (leading edge of the notes), and cool side of things, as opposed to, say, Harbeth, which are on the warm and full (body of the notes) side of things.

Thanks in advance, guys and gals.
Did some reading at AudioCircle. Seems I'll need that audition at Salk's headquarters, which should be quite enjoyable.
How are the salk speakers compared to the Tyler Acoustics

Decade Line? Are the Tylers more full rather than lean

at AAk fest i found the tylers lean and bright. i have not heard a tyler setup that i liked. plus the build quality leaves something to be desired. i have been impressed everytime i have been in a salk room. very involving speakers.
HT3s - Bold, accurate, dynamic. Amazing sound when playing well recorded material. More neutral than cool IMO.