Salk Speakers - Opinions & Advice?

This past weekend I went to Karma Fest in Livonia, Michigan, and saw so many beautiful speakers in the Salk Signature Sound, I didn't know where to start. Since I live quite close to the company, I'll head up there for a private audition. However, after going through the A'gon threads addressing Salk speakers, I still don't have a real idea as to what they sound like - how they make music.

So, for those of you who know (and hopefully own), Salk speakers, what is the "signature sound" of these beauties? I know what to pretty much expect from a Harbeth, Spendor, Thiel, etc. but what might I expect from Salk?

The impression I got from some threads is that Salks are on the detailed, transient (leading edge of the notes), and cool side of things, as opposed to, say, Harbeth, which are on the warm and full (body of the notes) side of things.

Thanks in advance, guys and gals.

Showing 5 responses by tomryan

Did some reading at AudioCircle. Seems I'll need that audition at Salk's headquarters, which should be quite enjoyable.
Often a glare in the upper mid/lower treble area is a mismatch between amp and speaker crossover. Also, tube amps have to be carefully matched to speakers to avoid impedance and phase angle problems. And I say this as a 25 year owner of tubes amps.

I also heard the big Decade at AKfest and found them very detailed but with that slight glare James mentioned. The wooly bass was from the room as it was VERY small and had no treatment whatsoever. I got the impression from the owner of Tyler Speakers that he is in it for the love of audio - he just wanted to let people hear his big design. I also have to say that listening to the big Tylers caused me to really pay attention to the arrangement of the musical pieces being played, the time signature changes, the way the musicians were obviously listening to each other, etc. Hmm, guess you could say the music making ability of the speakers drew me in! It was a very relaxed room, small, low lighting, good music, really good speakers.

I thought the large and small Tylers were quite well made. However, they have a simpler finish than the Salks which are finished to fine furniture grade. I think the Salks would be conversations pieces in a room, the Tylers would be more relaxed and subtle. The Salk room was big, exciting, busy, bustling, and brightly lit. I had trouble paying attention to music (which sound real good through some drop dead gorgeous speakers) as there were so many people and so much going on.

The Salk room had such a wide array of beautifully finished speakers that I was onlyt able to admire the designs, woodworking, and finishing. I'd buy a pair just for that and reward Jim Salk for such design and beauty success.
Often a glare in the upper mid/lower treble area is a mismatch between amp and speaker crossover. Also, tube amps have to be carefully matched to speakers to avoid impedance and phase angle problems. And I say this as a 25 year owner of tubes amps.

I also heard the big Decade at AKfest and found them very detailed but with that slight glare James mentioned. The wooly bass was from the room as it was VERY small and had no treatment whatsoever. I got the impression from the owner of Tyler Speakers that he is in it for the love of audio - he just wanted to let people hear his big design. I also have to say that listening to the big Tylers caused me to really pay attention to the arrangement of the musical pieces being played, the time signature changes, the way the musicians were obviously listening to each other, etc. Hmm, guess you could say the music making ability of the speakers drew me in! It was a very relaxed room, small, low lighting, good music, really good speakers.

I thought the large and small Tylers were quite well made. However, they have a simpler finish than the Salks which are finished to fine furniture grade. I think the Salks would be conversations pieces in a room, the Tylers would be more relaxed and subtle. The Salk room was big, exciting, busy, bustling, and brightly lit. I had trouble paying attention to music (which sound real good through some drop dead gorgeous speakers) as there were so many people and so much going on.

The Salk room had such a wide array of beautifully finished speakers that I was only able to admire the designs, woodworking, and finishing. I'd buy a pair just for that and reward Jim Salk for such design and beauty success.
Dominion78 - The Songtowers are what I am interested in. What exactly about the treble performance didn't you like? Was it lean, bright, recessed, dull?

Also, what did you think of the Fritz and Grant Fidelity designs (if you did hear them)?
I remember now the big Tylers did have amps on the woofers as Ty was turning them up and down to show what the speakers could do. I think he finally left the amps set a bit too high - too much bass.

I, too, was taken by the little white Dyn x12s. Very musical and enjoyable; I stayed a while to just listen. I went next door to the big Confidences but actually enjoyed the x12s more. Found them more musically "happy", if you know what I mean.