Salk bookshelf or Dynaudio bookshelf? Or something else?

Hi folks,

I'm considering Salk speakers but may not have them close enough to audition them.
Could anyone compare the bookshelves with my current leading prospect, the Dynaudio Evoke 10 or Special 40?

Here are some facts that relate to my situation:

ROOM: either 13x10 ft; 7 ft ceilings or 15 x 27ft w/10 ft ceilings.
POWER: Adcom separates (535L 60w/ch. with GTP 400 preamp)
MUSIC TASTES: mostly jazz and classical but a fair amount of rock.

CURRENT SPEAKER MOST LIKELY TO BUY: Dynaudio Evoke 10 or Special 40

SongSurround I
SongSurround Plus
Supercharged SongSurround

Focal 906
B&W bookshelf (I forget the number)
Dali Oberon
Elacs of any kind
Martin Logan

Finally, has anyone tried the Salk 30 day trial for bookshelves? What did that cost in shipping, overall? (A rough estimate is fine.)

Thanks again for your time and insight.

Best wishes,

David in Denver

P.S. There are Totems in the area but I have not heard them yet.

Showing 10 responses by hilde45

Thanks for the advice. I’ll look into those other speakers and reconsider my Adcom stuff. 
I did like the 40s a lot but they’re double the money. But if amp can’t do them justice, what’s the point!

My main speakers are older AR 48s and small, also old, Pinnacle PN5+. 
I’ve got old stuff, clearly, and they need to be refreshed. They sound decent, but...

maybe it’s just a midlife thing... ;-)
I did and he responded already, though bookshelves are hard to find.

I think the advice I have seen here is already sinking in — I need to rethink power and speakers, both. Obviously, power is another thread altogether and I know I can just search those threads to find advice. So far, I’m seeing Schiit and Peachtree as two good, reasonable options (where reasonable is $2k or less for power). 

If truth be fully disclosed, I am also needing to think about the source of my music — a lot is streaming or ripped from disc at rates that would make folks “tsk tsk” me (which I would deserve). So there’s that piece.

Overall, what I have been trying to do is to reinvigorate my listening equipment without being sucked into a rabbit hole — either with money or with all the technical ins-and-outs. I can learn what the language means and try to educate myself, and of course I have been going to listen, but at the end of the day I need to make a reasonable guess and get things upgraded. But with kids still in the house and older parents (and an academic department to run), I lack the time to become a fully invested audio hobbyist. 

The advice here has been great and I appreciate nudges in a better and more informed direction.
Good to hear about the Adcom. Perhaps I just need to consider lesser speakers for now (for my office) and then if I get more demanding speakers I can up the game on the power. (Totem speakers are small...hmmm.)

Sources. Sigh. I used to have a Thorens D166 turntable, but it’s now not working (bent tonearm, missing stylus, off-speed). So I have a MacBook Pro and an Audioengine DAC. 
Thanks, Verdant, for your reply. What I'm looking for in terms of sound is clarity and precision in midrange with adequate and accurate punch in bass. It's ok for it not to rattle the furniture, I just want to be convinced that a jazz upright bass sounds like itself. I'm a middle-aged guy, so I have no illusions about what I can hear, but I want good staging.

My Adcom is from roughly 1993 or so. It has not had any work done. I'm not sure what I'd be asking someone to do. Advice appreciated and some sense of what it might cost.

Thanks for the amp details and turntable suggestions!

I have not sold my CDs, luckily, but it would mean a lot of re-ripping. Oh, and I need a disc ripper, now that my Macs don't have them anymore. (Oh, technology, I love you and yet you make so much trouble.) Perhaps I just go the subscription route. I listen to Spotify all the time, anyway.
@helomach: Which room? That's a good question. I suppose I'm just working on the smaller room setup for now. They will be close to a wall.

I think the 40s are a no-go for now — but presumably, they could always emerge later. This fact returns me to the intial thread question: Salk or Dynaudio Evoke 10? I'm now leaning Salk but I'm yet to hear a lot of argumentation using the details of the speakers' acoustics given my other constraints — though some here have said that my Adcom isn't up to the task. I guess I need to see that for myself.

Thanks for the additional brands to consider — I've not heard of Ascend Acoustics, Spatial Audio, Zu Audio, or Omega so I'll take a look.

Appreciate your taking the time to write up your thoughts and address what I've been asking. This is truly a special community here at Audiogon. Thank you.

@verdantaudio: Thanks for the info about your Carver. I may at least get an estimate about my Adcom if issues arise (I get some drops but I think it's just the pot.). No ballooning, I don't think, is happening. Thanks too for the info about cd rippers and the speaker you make, as well as the others. When I get to the point where I'm buying new power and setting up a larger room, I may be in touch!


@twoleftears Budget ceiling: I'd say $1700 or so, max. As for the Carbons, given that I'm just seeking something smaller for my office, the size of the speaker seems a bit much -- and the price is now a bit high. I started out musing about the Dyn Special 40s but now those seem too large for the room and probably will not sound very rich given my present power (Adcom 535 60w). I'm glad to see another vote for Fritz and I'm bookmarking them because clearly they have people's attention.
@soix -- thanks for pointing me at usaudiomart. I assume there are some guarantees about what's purchased there? Or is it like Craig's list -- caveat emptor?

@holomech I believe I can trial some of the smaller speakers but it's true this should be double-checked. Regarding the suggestion you make, I'm reverting back to looking for a smaller office/desktop speaker, so the Philharmonic is a bit large and expensive for that. But for the future... hmm.
@mesch Thanks for the suggestion. I'll go over to Computer Audio to continue that line of questioning. It's good to stay focused on the theme of one's own original post. Have a great day. -- Dave
No one has mentioned "Audience The One V3 Speakers" or "ClairAudient". These are speakers near me in Colorado. Any views about these for nearfield listening?