Sad to hear the good people at Timbernation had a fire (and no insurance).




Showing 2 responses by garebear

I agree with WolfGarcia as this is not the place for this type of discussion. However, Mr. Cerrot  I was in the '' insurance business '' a little bit longer than you were and depending upon the circumstances as we working with limited information here ; depending upon when the loss occurred this could easy fall under the agent's E&O otherwise know as Errors and Omissions Coverage. I digress because as you noted ;  '' no one understands this better than me ''. If this was in fact the case,  then Timbernation will be taken care of although as well all know this could take some time. But to start a ; Go Fund Me for this business well that is beyond the realm of acceptability as least for me and I have a great idea ; I will start a Go Fund Me because I am suffering due to the fact that I can't afford new and better speakers........when will that madness end. Enjoy our music and get your facts straight in the future.                

.......thanks WolfGarcia much appreciated and now I am only $40,000 short. So please help my cause and also continued thanks for all of your generous donations. I also need a dedicated room built for my system as well.