SACDs that are up to the challenge - in stereo

Here is an example - Telarc SACD 60574, Debussy and Turina by the Cleveland Symphony. I recommend this recording and performance. It shows the ability of the medium to capture a musical event. If your system does not reproduce the feel of the performance in a hall, especially in two channel, the fault is NOT in this recording. The liner notes are outstanding too, offering a good synopsis of the music, a primer of SACD setup and full disclosure of the recording system. Perhaps some of the magic goes to the Meitner recording system, but kudos to ALL involved. If telarc is going to offer more disks of this caliber I for one will purchase them. IMHO.
Can you recommend others up to this standard?
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Try Telarc's Mahler 5th with Zander conducting, their Vaughn-Williams Sea Symphony with Spanos and the Atlanta Symphony, and the San Francisco Symphony's Mahler 6th (their own label, distributed by Delos or available from their website) with Tilson-Thomas conducting. All DSD recordings and truly breathtaking in their sweep, dynamics and naturalness. Lots of others as well that are worth getting, but for big orchestral stuff these are among the best.
Duke Ellington Blues in Orbit Mobile Fidelity, Telarc's Orff: Carmina Burana, Robert Shaw. Telarc's Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition and Night on Bald Mountain by Maazel. Mozart Sinfonia Concertante in E-flat Major, Concerto for Violin, Piano and Orchestra in D Major, Directed by Christoph Eschenbach on Sony. All are top notch!