SACD s to die for

There's finally enough software out there that we should be able to compile a 10 best SACD list. And your favorites are .....

Showing 1 response by rcprince

--Mahler Symphony No. 2, on Delos, a 20 bit pcm recording that still sounds superb; also, the latest Delos SACD release with the Shostakovich String Symphony is also excellent

--Audioquest Blues Sampler

--the Lyrinx recording of Musique Francais for clarinet and piano

--Appalachian Journey, Yo Yo Ma et al

--Bach Goldberg Variations, Perihia (I cannot spell his name, sorry!)

--the Hyperion recording of French string trios with the Florestan Trio

--Gaudeamus, Sacred Feast on dmp.

The Telarc Dukas and Hovahnnes discs are pretty good as well. I just got their 1812 Overture disc, will listen this weekend (could not resist, I'm a sucker for the sonic spectaculars once every 10 years or so!). Thanks for the Opus 3 recommendation, I was considering it but wasn't sure about the content--it sounds very interesting.