Sabrina X Anyone Add Subwoofer(s)

I've not seen mention of pairing these speakers with a fast subwoofer, so I thought that I would ask.


Showing 4 responses by james633

Yeah the Sabrina with two of Wilson’s new subs would be amazing. They have proper built in highpass crossovers. I would put it up against any of their speakers. Just in concept anyway. 

In reality the only difference between the smaller abs larger speakers is low bass output. Sure there are other difference but… not really. 



What integrated did you get? 

If you don’t want to add a highpass crossover (hard with some integrated amps) I would pass on the subs. It will be a phasy mess without one. 

Rather than subs making it a little better it will make it a little worse but the crossover will open up lots of tuning options for over all better sound. 

Don’t buy the JL E112s. I have two and both have broken a number of times. Using their internal highpass crossover adds a lot of electrical noise to the system (buzz/hum).  I will replace mine with a different brand sooner than later. 

Running subs under your speakers without a highpass crossover will make your system worse. the timing will never be right. 

Running subs with a proper highpass will take them to a new level. The JL CR-1 would do the trick. Add any quality sub at that point. 

based on the measurements the Sabrina needs subs unless you are placing them less than 3’ from the front wall based of the -10db point and room gain. 

Sadly I don’t know of many subs that have good built in crossovers. wilson audio makes an external one but it is $5k. Their new subs are built in. The JL E-lines is fine as in no loss of detail but super noisy and raises the noise floor. JL-audio and Bryston make good ones “cheaper”. There are lots of cheap options but I don’t know the quality. I have tried my JLs (system pictures under my profile) with and without the crossovers many times. There is really no comparison. The crossover is much better in spite  of the increased noise. 

Anyway on the MA12000 you can add an external if it doesn’t have internal bass management (I don’t think it does). On the back there are two bars that bind the preamp section to the amp section. You can pull those bars out and insert the crossover there. So it would be out from the “pre” into the crossover then back into the amp input. 

review of the cr-1 here.