Rythmik vs JL vs REL

I am trying to choose between a Rythmik sub, a used e112, or a REL T9 and would love some input from people that have heard them.

My room is 12x13ft, and I am pairing with B&W 704 s2's. I have an anthem str amp so room correction is not a factor for me as it is in the amp.

Thanks for your input!
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Showing 1 response by usery

"...might also consider SVS's new sb-3000"
+yes to considering new SVS SB-3000

I'm also trying to decide between sub brands, and am shopping dual units as upgrade from single REL R-328 which to my listening has sounded great over past 5 years.

But I got this hypothesis that for the results & performance, REL is overpriced relative to other brands.  I'm still considering them in my short list, though:

  • SVS SB-3000 x2 ($1899 total)
  • Rythmik F12 x2 ($1786)
  • Rythmik F12-300 x2 ($1400)
  • REL S/3 x2 (used, $2400 + $100 ship)
  • REL S/3 x1 (used, $1200 + $100 ship) + existing R-328 <= yes it can be done, got very helpful & detailed how-to instructions from John Hunter, REL owner & lead designer