Russian Tube Preamp, No Return, Here I go again

I decided to risk it, Russian, no return. (he accepted my $400. offer, so $500. delivered).

Gives me tubes in my office system.

I just read something:

People don’t want advice, just confirmation

I’m not looking for either (this time), just thought some of you would find it funny and wish me luck.

I’m 72, it may arrive before my 75th birthday

Showing 10 responses by roxy54

Too bad it was all in Russian...nice system. The guy looks like Robert Plant.
Someone already posted that video a couple of weeks ago on another thread. Looks like Robert Plant.
I'm sure that it sounds perfectly fine to you and your friend. I'm just saying that if you compare it to a really fine player, it has an artificial and electronic signature to it. Hey, they didn't cost a fortune, so you can't expect too much. 
Not sure what your budget is, but I'm sure you can do better than an Oppo. They're not very good sounding.
It certainly seems to be worth the money from the looks under the hood. Neatly laid out and far from empty. It doesn't say anywhere on the case that it was made in Russia though. My bet is that you will find it was well worth what you paid for it.
This past year, I took a similar gamble that really paid off. I had a little money to spend and was looking for a good deal on a pre to dethrone the one I had been using for around 15 years, and had tried to replace with a Joule Electra L100 as well as a Lamm LL2 Deluxe. I saw an ad for a tube pre by Viking Acoustics for a good price, and I took the chance and bought it. I did that because I knew that they make very good speakers, and I figured that they wouldn't be selling shabby electronics.
As it turns out, they have their electronics built for them by an independent builder/designer named Kevin Elliott, and that pre has turned out to be sonically superior to any pre I have ever owned.
Sometimes it pays to take a chance, if the price isn't too high. 
Why would you have passed it up just for a misspelling? You know that it's not a product of a large multinational corporation, so it's not a big surprise. I think it's actually interesting. Something to show friends and guests.
I think that you stole that from me. I've been saying that he looks like Robert Plant for a while now.