Russco, QRK, Sparco, Garrard, Thoren, Fairchild, Roberts

Ok I have several of the old rim drive broadcast TT. Russcos, QRKs, Sparcos, and
a few more. Also different Transcriptions, Thoren TD 121, 124s, 224s, and Garrard 401s.
Had a Fairchild (stolen). What's your favorites, or ones not mentioned.

Plinths, what are you using, what have you made, what have you bought??

I'm into the actual repair and mods of the machine more than the use, I love um', but
they are used.

Have any tips, tricks, suggestions?


Showing 1 response by atmasphere

I used to have an old Presto with rim drive and a 16" platter. We used to stand on it and engage the motor until we got dizzy- it had a lot of torque :)  Rim drive (different from idler drive) isn't the best way to do a drive mechanism if you want low noise...