Running DCS Vivladi DIRECT?

Hey Folks,

Anybody out there who cares to comment on running the Vivaldi DAC direct  to the Power amp.

Please compare with running through your favorite preamp and elucidate the differences.

Thanks & keep enjoying our hobby!

Ag insider logo xs@2xsthekepat

Showing 3 responses by amg56

I run my Rossini into my pre-amp, but I haven't plugged it directly into my amp as yet. I could check, but I am not sure what condition I would be looking for apart from a different sound, no change, or no sound. It's no Vivaldi (drool), but if sounds bl**dy great.
@sthekepat Can I ask why you didn't ask dCS via email instead of posting here?

@georgehifi That's a very good piece of analysis and detective work George. I am particularly impressed that you could actually design and implement a circuit to do what you did.

For a rock kicking civil engineer, I am always amazed at how electronics work and how it all fits together. I think I should have studied a different engineering stream.

Well done!

@folkfreak A very fascinating article. love the science in it.