Running a Vacuum Cleaner near Tubes

I've been contemplating on asking this question, because I know what type of, highly potential, remarks this question will ensue, but here it is anyways.  Curiosity can, only, be cured by asking or doing, right??

I recall as a kid going to the local drug store, Eckerd Drugs, with my dad, so he could test the Tubes in our T.V.  A few days later, a T.V. repair man showed up at our home and he took a metal circular loop and moved the metal loop around in front of the T.V. screen.  As he did this, the picture on the screen followed the loop.  The guy said, what he was doing was realigning the picture.. AND, to never turn on or off the vacuum machine close to the T.V.

Does anyone know, not think, assume, etc., how turning on/ off a vacuum near tube gear would effect tubes?  Again, this question is, purely, out of curiosity from what I saw and hear the T.V. repair man do and say.  Thanks.


Showing 2 responses by rcm1203

I've got my system about as isolated as possible while still relying on the grid. It runs on a dedicated 20 amp circuit through a one to one isolation transformer into a line conditioner/voltage regulator before being passed on to my gear. Even with all that, I still kill the power to it during storms. Once bitten, twice shy, and I have yet to be bitten. I'm just anal about protecting my gear. Besides that, tube amps tend to like a nice, refined voltage supply.

BTW toddnlg, I have vivid/fond memories of riding to the local drug store on my bike with a pocket full of tubes to use the tube tester. Somehow, I was the family fixer while my dad was the least mechanically inclined person I have ever met. Hell of a carpenter though. Those were the days!

erik_squires  I use the Furman SPR-20i conditioner regulator in my system. Our neighborhood power grid has a bad habit of just blinking off and on for no apparent reason. I have actually found that the protection switch has tripped on it after that happens, so the Furman does do it's job properly. The isolation transformer also helps mitigate the surges that happen when the power blinks. If I am gone on an extended trip, I trip the breaker in the panel.