Run length

Room layout dictates the sub is on the opposite wall. Not ready to run a wire across the floor. It would be 26 feet.

To skip the floor run I would have to go up and down inside the wall. That would add another 18 feet for a total of 44 feet.  Too long?  Will be using plain old 14AWG cord.

Showing 2 responses by cakyol

Correction, I just realized that the Martin Logan transceiver is specific only to their own Dynamo subwoofers.

But you get the idea. There are quite a few very good quality devices out there for wireless transmission with negligible latency.

Is this an RCA (signal wire) or are you taking the speaker output to the sub ?

If a signal wire, make sure your wire is very well shielded.  If a speaker output, you are ok.

In any case, you can also consider wireless: