rule of thumb: how long do you leave a tube preamp on versus turning it off then back on?

I just upgraded to an Audio Research REF 10 with 12 tubes and I am wondering how to best preserve the tubes. How long sitting turned on is equal to the wear and tear of turning it off then on again? I had a Rogue RP 7 with just four tubes so I didn't worry about this issue so much, I just turned it on when I began to listen then off at the end of the evening. Now I'm wondering where the sweet spot is? Away for a hour, two, three, turn it off when? Am I over-thinking this issue?

Showing 1 response by artemus_5


Don’t know if this has been covered. But NEVER turn a piece of tube equipment off and back on quickly. This is one of the best way to cause problems with the equip. .
You having already owned tube amp, may have already known that. But just in case....