Rubidium Clock

Can anyone advise whether an Esoteric Rubidium clock would improve the sound on my Esoteric X-01/D2 player? I have been told "not much since it is a one box." But the reviews have seemed to indicate that the upgrade in sound quality is quite apparent. I am aware that some upgrades are very small in their ability to be heard, others are like a whole new piece of gear.
Any advice is appreciated.

Showing 3 responses by elberoth2

Is the UPOCXO-01-SS clock (OCXO only) equal performance wise to  RBOCXO-01 when in OCXO mode ?
Thanks. I went ahead and ordered the UPOCXO-01-SSSS clock for my friend. We will try it with his Vivaldi stack, on top of the Vivaldi clock.

If it goes well, he may consider the UPOCXO-RK01-OP17 Ultra model, which is triple the price, but also offers 7 dBc/Hz lower phase noise level at 1Hz (-110 dBc/Hz vs -117 dBc/Hz) .