Hoot45, It was late when I responded to your post and I did not realize you already purchased the Fritz speakers. I do not have experience with Fritz speakers. Since you already own the speakers you should evaluate them and give us a report. When going from one small speaker to the next it is my opinion they are just different flavors. I hope the Fritz are a flavor you like. When it comes to advice from dealers, distributors or manufacturers take their comments with a grain of salt.
Rrog... thank you for the polish info... speakers?
You seem to be very knowledgeable about audio matters... so if you have time and any thoughts, I would appreciate it. I haven't been serious about audio in 50 years (first amp Bogan DB 212). I recently sold my Celestion SL700SE's (after 20 yrs.) through Audiogon wanteds and purchased Fritz Rev 5's with upgraded Scanspeak drivers (Illuminator 5 inch woofers and Revelator tweeters) in 12x15x9 room. I think they were a prototype because I never saw them on his website... Fritz must have had them lying around, because I got them in about 8 days. Rrog... having the same amps as me (Quicksilver 90 monos) you might have some thoughts. My gut feeling and odds and probabilities tell me I will like them very much (but not very knowledgeable). I finally have time to enjoy music... in bar and restaurant business all my life in Chicago and all I had time for was work and fun.
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