Rotel surround processor- setup tips and/or advice

Hi all,

I will be receiving my new Rotel Rsp 1572 next week from my dealer. A nice trade in price for my old one and it's all set. I was wondering if anyone has experience with this processor and can share different setup tips or advice in getting the best sound out of this processor. It will be running with Rotel Class D power amps. Thanks in advance.

For some reason, my dealer gives great deals but short on those types of services. It's a chore just to get it delivered. I get the old excuse I will see what I can do but no promises, you may have to come and pick it up. I traded in two Rotel power amps and we swapped out the items no problem before. If it's one piece of equipment it doesn't make dollars and sense I guess and they would have to have a few items to drop off in the area. I still use them but I'm not sure they offer that type of service. Never asked them either.
"I just thought peers on the forum may have some tips and offered up their experience when setting up the processor."

That's what I was talking about. Not just the connections, but actually getting the whole system dialed in. Rotel is picky about stuff like that. A dealer is expected to give you that type of service. In fact, most of the dealers I know will deliver the product to your house and set it up. That's one of the main reasons to use a B&M store. Take advantage of it.
That's true but I'm pretty good at making the connections. I just thought peers on the forum may have some tips and offered up their experience when setting up the processor. Thanks for your comment Zd542.
Your dealer should have offered to come out and set it up for you. It wouldn't hurt to ask.