Rotel RCC 1055

Does anyone have one or have any knowledge of the Rotel RCC 1055? Any opinions as to it's quality? I have found no reviews as yet. Thanks

Showing 1 response by sammie

I used it for a few months. Rotel upgraded the power supply from previou changer and power cord is now detachable so you can use aftermarket cords. I think build quality is good and sound is decent. I also used a 955 for years and never had any problems.

I didn't keep the 1055 because I was able to get my hands on a new Cal Audio CL-10 changer. The Cal Audio is a much more sofisticated machine, although the display is antiquated. Build quality is better, particularly the carousel mechanism. And, its a better sounding unit.

If you can find a CL-10 new or in very good shape and you can live with the display, I would suggest buying it. There is/was a guy selling CL-10's new with a 90 day warranty.

If you can't find a CL-10 or are not interested, then the 1055 would be my 2nd choice for best changer available.