Rotel RA-1592 MK II or something else to deliver around 200W to B&W towers around $3000?

So I just purchased a pair of B&W CDM-9NT and am now going deep down the rabbit hole trying to find an amp that’s going to let these speakers sing to their fullest. I keep coming back to Rotel as the consensus appears to be that these amps pair very well with B&Ws. I was trying to keep the budget to $1000...then $ I’m looking at $3000 options...I’m not willing to go up to the McIntosh prices at the moment so I’m capping myself at $3k new or used.

I was thinking that going integrated was the best option when looking at the $1500ish options. Now maybe separates would make sense at $3000?

Goals in sound are excellent imaging and separation. Strong and tight bass is a must. Music selection is mainly very bass forward genres like hip hop & EDM. I also enjoy jazz, rock and sometimes classical as the mood strikes. A must have is digital connectivity for hi-res streaming. The room is 14x18 if that matters.

Any help is appreciated.

Showing 8 responses by yukispier

Rotel and B&W collaborate with each other and have for years. I'm using a Michi S5 to push my Magnapan 3.7is and they pair together extremely well.
Why is there no love for the Rotel pairing?  I literally just watched a review of the RA-1572 MK II and the reviewer said it wasn't a good pairing for the B&Ws tested (600 series).
Parasound and McIntosh are just a couple of well built products with quality components and good customer support.

I had dismissed McIntosh as being beyond my budget. Is there a unit that might fit in my budget and deliver the full power I’m looking for used?
Are you asking for an amp or an integrated amp? If amp, what’s your preamp?

Do you have a DAC and/or streamer, or is it budgeted in the $3k?

I apologize for the confusion here. I currently have the B&Ws but nothing else.

When I started the thread I thought that buying something like the Rotel 1592 was the way to go but now I’m more sold on building a better system with separates for the same price.

I’m now leaning more towards putting most of the budget into a very good power amp and getting a pre & dac that will be OK for now but upgrading those components in the next year or so.

Budget is still hovering around 3K (in the process of purchasing a new home) but it could be expanded in the next few weeks if some other anticipated expenses work out to less than anticipated.
There are a couple of early 90's solid state McIntosh power amps listed for prices that I could stomach.  There is an MC7150 for $1650.  There is an MC7200 for $2200.

Thoughts on these?
“A better solution would be to build a system you can enjoy now but with the flexibility for future changes/upgrades.”

I thought that is the direction I am headed getting a proper amp with a midish level pre/dac combo.  I have everything else covered besides some decent speaker cables.  I think that the system will still be enjoyable to listen to without a $4000 preamp while I’m saving up for the upgrade.