Rotel RA-1572 sub out?


I have a new Rotel RA-1572 integrated amp, and I'm wondering if anyone knows for sure whether the mono sub out connectors are full range, or already have a LPF applied (and if so, what the crossover frequency is)? I can't seem to find that in the specifications or with some Google searching.

(I know, one way to find out is to connect something other than a sub to it and listen to it, but believe it or not I don't actually have an easy way to do that, though I will if I can't find the answer any other way---but I figured someone here might already know the answer.)


Showing 1 response by imhififan


AFAIK, the two sub-outputs output a mono (sum of left and right) full-range signals without filtering, you’ll need to use an external low-pass filter or the built-in filter that comes with the active subwoofer.