Rotel over Integra?

I have a chance to upgrade from my Integra 5.3 to a Rotel RSX 1057. It will only be used in a 2 channel set up. I have always heard that Rotel was musical and truly audiophile quality but will it be better than the Integra? Being honest, I would like saying I own a Rotel as part of my setup, I suppose that would be worth the upgrade. Just feeling better about it, probably makes it sound better! Thoughts please?
I have brought up Rotel a couple of times on this forum because, under visual inspection, it looks like Rotel is sort of like a version of Emotiva with better internal components (capacitors, etc.).  However, I've also seen more than once that people did not like Rotel because it was too bright sounding.  I would say to find a location that has Rotel and go listen to it.  Otherwise, maybe try some of the newer Marantz receivers.
Thank you, I have actually listened to  decent Rotel setup at my father in laws, and it was what started me down the road of putting my own system together. I will take a listen to the Marantz receivers as well, my SACD is a Marantz and I love both the build quality and sound.

Marantz has several levels of components, from good -- thru Audiophile -- to xlnt

so be sure to get that sorted out
Yes, that Rotel model is a fine piece of gear. The newer stuff is junk -sourced to china.