Rotel CD Players


I am putting together a second system and would like to learn more about Rotel CD players.  Both the RCD1572MKII  and CD14MKII have caught my eye. I am not convinced the 1572 brings that much more to the party other than balanced outputs, which I do not need.

This CD player would be paired with Fritz speakers and an First Watt F7 amp to start.

I would also like an honest opinion about utilizing a $1,000 CD player with these types of components. My main system uses a PS Audio PWT and a Mojo Audio Mystique DAC so I know the value of getting all the detail one can from a source. Would a Rotel CD player be a weak link?

Alternative ideas are welcome but must be a CD player and not separate Transport and DAC - space is limited and budget is less than $2,000.

Thanks for listening!





Showing 1 response by mahler123

I don’t have a lot of experience with Rotel gear in the last 15 years or so.  I heard one of those players briefly demoed a few years ago and I remember it as neutral, not warmish like Marantz, or as detailed as Bryston or Hegel.  As usual if you can do a home demo, best to make your own mind