Roon - streaming only...where'd you get your NAS?

I'm considering Roon but I only stream Tidal and don't have a single song downloaded.  

So, first, would Roon pretty much be a waste? 

Second, how does everyone acquire such a large downloaded collection of high-res, DSD, FLAC, or whatever files in their NAS library?

Did you rip your CD's?  Get from a friend?  Download them online and pay by song?  Seems like a monumental task and money pit.

Showing 1 response by jond

I also use a Synology NAS I bought on Amazon. My files are my ripped CDs, about 800, and then files I've bought or friends have given me. Most of those are bootleg live shows, I have about 3.5TB of my own files plus I stream Tidal and Qobuz. I don't use Roon I use Lightning DS app from Auralic with my Aries Mini.