Hello,  My Roon Nucleus+ is hardwired with cat 8 from my Verizon Modem.  I am then hardwired to two Roon endpoints.
I use a separate linear power supply for the Nucleus set to output 19v.
There is an internal hard drive installed and NAS connected.
Everything sounds great.

But my Nucleus+ is crashing now two or three times a day (becomes non responsive and my remotes can not find it.

I have tried rebooting the remotes, the endpoints and the router with no effect.

I must power off and back on the Nucleus for it to be ready and seen again.

Any help or thoughts appreciated!
Like my tech buddy says “ if you got a computer, you got problems”. Probably modem/nucleus interface issues. 
IME, Roon’s customer support is lacking. After e-mailing them with a question and an explanation that my specific query wasn’t addressed on their forum, I waited a long time before receiving an e-mail suggesting I look for an answer to my question from the amateurs on the forum.
Reading this thread, it’s always a reminder of how easy it is to pop a CD in a tray and hit “play”
Roon support should turn on diag to isolate the issue.
I had a similar issue and diag showed the SSD was up but logging errors, a new SSD corrected the issue.

Roon support was slow to respond but accurate. Once diagnosed I was sent a shipping label, 7 days after shipment it was returned to me with a fully functional SSD.

It was under full warranty, beyond time my cost was zero.