I went the DIY route and I am very satisfied. I used Jon Risch's recipes on his site. The biggest improvement was in imaging and it was huge. I also treated my cathedral ceiling and that was huge. I have 7- 18" diameter 4' tall bass traps in corners and 4- 4' X 2' X 4" thick along the ceiling apex. My investment in time was around 10 hours and the money was less than $250. DIY doesn't take many tools, is not that difficult and has the rewarding factor plunking down the credit card does not. You comment regarding measurement differences a good bit. Since most people don't have the capability to properly measure before and after I'm not sure that's as important in the same way comparing specs of two $10K digital platforms means as much as the potential buyers choosing between the two by ear. If you are going to buy pre-made I too recommend using the Rives forum on AA to get opinions from those in the know like Ethan and David. Good luck!