Room size for Cornwalls?

I listened to some Cornwalls and love them however the room I'm working with is 12'x 12'x 8' with no available corner to place a speaker. Are Cornwalls just going to overpower and not breathe enough in such a small space? thanks.

Showing 2 responses by mapman

Get what you think you like. That's all that really matters.

I have two 12X 12 rooms with audio systems. I use Dynaudio Conour MkIIs in the one with normal height ceilings with gvery ood effect. I've used Ohm Walsh 2's with the latest series 3 drivers from the manufacturer in that room and currently in the other 12X12 sunroom with cathedral ceilings above it with great success overall as well and in particular in the bass department.
Shadorne is on the right track regarding good sound in a small 12X12 room.