Room size and speaker position

i'm turning one of our spare bedrooms into a 2 channel listening room. i'm using a Cayin TA-30 integrated with Def Tech 2004tl's. it's 13x12 and i've been playing around with speaker placement, but was wondering...

1) Should i place the setup against the long wall (13) or short wall (12)?
2) how close can i be to the speakers? i heard ideally the speakers should be way out in the room.

I have nothing else in the room except a chair and a lamp....

Showing 2 responses by ramond


I have an 11'X13' spare bedroom that I converted to a dedicated listening room.
I tried all the standard setup procedures and found the best results suggested from a fellow audiogoner.
He suggested to set the room up in a diagnal. It's been along time since but still sounds great.
Hope this helps, Rick.

I guess the easiest way to explain this would be to use the corner as the back wall and move the speakers out from there. The corner will be close to the center point between the speakers. It doesn't have to be exactly centered with the corner.

Hope this helps, Rick.