Room correction room system vs ears….

So, I splashed out and spent more than I wanted to on a nice little Benchmark amp and preamp etc and since I’ve gone that far I got curious about a room correction system for this and it’s going to cost me over a grand apparently. As far as I can gather these dial in the music before it comes out of the speakers…?


im wondering if I simply messed around and found the sweet spot without a room correction system how much of a difference this would make. I’m far from savvy with audio and try to keep things simple for my simple brain, so, on a scale of 1-10 how much difference would I percieve by splashing out on a room correction system?


Showing 1 response by fraterperdurabo

I've used digital room correction for years, first as a plug-in to Foobar2000, and now with Minidsp's Dirac Live box. I rent and am a fixed-income. The former means I deal with rooms that are sub-optimal, acoustically. The latter restricts how much I can spend. The Dirac Live box corrects both frequency and time domains, and for my application, it's well worth it.

The weakest link in most stereos I've heard has been the room. I'd do room correction before I upgraded anything else, but budgets and rooms vary, so YMMV.