Room Calibration

I have just bougth Cary Cinema 11a and Cary Model 7125. My system consists of Stewart Studiotek 110" screen, Cinerversum Black Wing 3, Cineversum Diamond HDMI, DVDO VP50 Pro, Isotek Nova, Nordost Valhalla powercords, Velodyne DD18, Usher CP 6311 front, Usher 616 center, Usher S520 surrounds, rapport surround cables, still playing DVD.

In order to maximize my room, I need to calibrate it properly. Can anyone help me with the best and user-friendly software that I can purchase on-line? Thanks a lot.
The problem is that the EQ filters available in the Cary are very limiting. So, even with REW telling you what you need to do, you cannot do much. Better than nothing, mebbe.

How about the best software you can have and its FREE. Go to Home Theater Shack and download Room EQ Wizard (aka REW).
All that you need is a Radio Shack spl meter, a computer and off you go....did I mention its free?
